We are so confident that you will pass your CompTIA Certification exam after using the
corresponding MeasureUp Practice Test, we guarantee it! If you follow our certification preparation
method and fail the corresponding CompTIA Certification exam within one year of the purchase date,
we’ll give you a free retake exam voucher valid for the exam failed.
If you followed the practice steps recommended by MeasureUp and didn’t pass, fill out the form below
and send it to our Support Team at along with your Order Confirmation
from, or a Pearson VUE Confirmation Letter, and a copy of the score
report of your failed exam attempt. To be eligible you must meet the conditions outlined on our site
to obtain a free retake exam voucher.
Request your Free Retake Exam Voucher:
Name: ___________________________________
Address: _________________________________
City: ____________________________________
State: _________ Zip Code: _________________
Country: _________________________________
Email Address Used for Purchase: ________________________________
Practice Test Order Number: _____________________________________
Date of Order: ________________________________________________
Daytime Phone Number: ________________________________________
Number and Name of Exam Taken: _______________________________
Date CompTIA Certification Exam was Taken: ________________ Score: __________________
By signing below, I am attesting that:
I have deleted all copies of the MeasureUp Practice Test from my hard drive and have not given or
sold copies of the product to any third party.
I followed the instructions on the MeasureUp website to prepare for my exam scoring in the 90th
percentile using Certification Mode at least two times. I have taken a CompTIA exam and failed using
the exam voucher within the CompTIA Exam Pass Guarantee bundle offer. I failed the exam within
one year of the original purchase date of the bundle.
Signature: ___________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________