JSA Training PowerPoint Presentation

Job Safety Analysis
• Agenda/Time
• Cellular Phones
• Emergency Exits
• Smoking
• Stretch Breaks/Lunch/Refreshments
• Washrooms
About This Program
• Defining Job Safety Analysis
• Roles and Responsibilities
• Job Safety Analysis
– Preparation
– Observation & Analysis
– Hazard identification
– Follow up
• Benefits of JSA
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a technique
to identify
the health and safety hazards of specific
tasks in order
to reduce the risk of injury to workers.
Job Task Analysis (JTA) is a tool used to
assist with
an effective return-to-work program. It
–Procedure – step by step
instructions on how to perform a
specific task, usually for critical
–Practice – general guidelines (do’s
and don’ts) for performing a specific
task, usually a low risk task that is
Job Safety Analysis
• Is a Proactive Risk Management process,
which includes:
– Identifying all health and safety hazards
– Evaluating the risk in each hazards
– Controls for eliminating or reducing the risk in
Job Safety Analysis Assists In :
• identifying hazards
• development or improvement of practices
and procedures
• incident investigations
• improvement of workers training,
preventative maintenance lists…
• identification immunization and infection
control issues
• improved communication
Defining JTA
• Method to document demands of assigned
• Detailed- includes amount of time required
to perform each task.
• Compares the demands of the task to the
abilities of the worker- benefiting workers
on return-to-work programs.
Responsibilities Outlined:
• Management
• Supervisor
• Worker
• Occupational
Health and Safety
• Regional Safety
• Review and/or approve new policies /
procedures that are made
• Ensure that:
– there are assigned task force / job safety
analysis teams
– control systems are initiated and maintained,
that are necessary to protect workers from
exposure to hazardous conditions.
– approved recommendations made are
• Assign members to the JSA team
• Coordinate and assist in the identification
of hazards
• Actively participate in the JSA process
• Implement approved recommendations
made as a result of the JSA
• Initiate and maintain control systems
• Ensure the need for new
policies/procedures are identified and
• Participate and cooperate with others in
the identification of hazards in the
• Comply with the changes made as a result
of the job safety analysis
• Inform supervisors of changes in the
workplace that affect existing workplace
Occupational Health
• Assist in the identification of hazards,
assessment of risk and control measures
• Provide input and advice throughout the
• Review all Job Safety Analysis, policies
and procedures to make sure they stay
relevant and current with conditions,
workers, equipment etc.
• Do follow-up evaluation of the
Regional/Agency Safety
• Act as a resource during the assessments
• Coordinate with Management, Supervisors
and the Occupational Health Committees,
to have or assist with or undertake a job
safety analysis
• Use the job safety analysis as the basis for
establishing workplace policy, procedures,
practices and other components of the
Occupational Health and Safety Program
• Ensures communication
Regional Strategy
• Regions can divide up job descriptions
throughout region
• Regions can focus on a specific job
description and divide up the tasks that
are associated with that job description
throughout the region
• General JSA can be distributed to all
regional agencies and then made agency
• General JSAs which apply to a number of
Involve employees by:
• Explaining why JSA is necessary
and that their expertise is crucial to
a strong JSA program.
• Explaining that the team is studying
the task not worker performance
Involve the employees by:
–Making them part of the observation
–Referring the JSA back to them
after each analysis step
–Conferring with them when JSA is
Job Safety Analysis Step 1:
–Observation & Analysis
–Hazard identification
–Control identification
–Follow up
• Make a list of all job descriptions
• Make an initial task list from the job
– Example:
• Lab Technologist
– Sample collection
» Ward, ER, Outpatients
– Sample analysis
– Waste disposal
– Equipment maintenance
Pay particular attention to:
High risk job descriptions or tasks
Complex procedures
Rarely performed tasks
New tasks
Recently modified tasks
Preparation: Priority
• We determine priority by doing a risk
assessment on each task within the
description by considering three key
– Severity
– Frequency
– Probability
• What will most likely happen if something
goes wrong?
– Scale of 1-3
• How often will a worker come in contact
with the hazard?
• Scale of 1-3
• What is the likelihood that something will
go wrong during the task?
• Scale of 1-3
To determine the S-F-P values
• Review incident reports
• Review WCB statistics
• Review Sask. Labour Reports incl.
• Review maintenance logs
• Speak with employees who perform the
Risk Assessment & JSA Priority
• Add up the severity, frequency, probability
ratings to determine the highest ranking
job descriptions.
• From those targeted descriptions compare
the task ratings within the description.
• The JSA team and those involved set the
plan for the region, agency and team as to
which job descriptions and task should be
targeted first.
Job Safety Analysis Step 2:
–Observation and Analysis
–Hazard identification
–Control identification
–Follow up
Observation Team
• Is often the area supervisor and may
include other workers and members of the
local OHC
• A more rounded group of observers
ensures that key points are not being
Pre-Observation Team should:
review JSA procedures
review legislation related to the job
review best practices if applicable
ensure they are trained and supplied with
all PPE needed to observe the tasks
Employee to be observed:
Should be:
–experienced in their job
–safety conscious
–capable of doing all steps in task
–encouraged to explain what is being
–encouraged to ask questions of the
observation team
• Observe task under normal working
• Breakdown the task into steps as it is
being observed
• Make sure to record the steps in order
• Decrease observations to 10 steps or less
whenever possible.
• Use action words to describe steps
• Be sure not to make the steps too general
or too detailed.
• Make sure steps reflect what is being done
NOT how it is being done.
• Ask questions???
• Have other participants review the basic
steps before hazard identification
JSA Example: Adult CPR
Sequence of Job
Check scene
Check for
Open airway,
check breathing
Potential Health
and Safety Hazard
Controls and
Job Safety Analysis Step 3:
–Observation & Analysis
–Hazard Identification
–Control Identification
–Follow up
Hazard Identification
• Identify hazards relating to each step
• Consider all potential hazards during:
– Normal situations
– Unexpected events
– Job modification situations
• Refer to legislation, best practice, expert
opinion to assist
JSA Example: Adult CPR
Sequence of Job
Potential Health and
Safety Hazard
Check scene safety
Vehicular traffic, bystanders, hidden dangers,
Communicable disease
Inadequate or no PPE,
Inadequate training.
Check for
Combative patient
Open airway, check
Controls and
Job Safety Analysis Step 4:
–Observation & Analysis
–Hazard Identification
–Control Identification
–Follow up
Control Identification
• Eliminate the hazard
• Reduce the hazard
• Control the hazard
Hazard Controls and Resources
• Observation team must now identify
strategies to protect employees from the
hazards noted.
• Can they:
– Find a new way to do the task
– Change the conditions that create the hazard
– Change the work procedure
– Change the time, location etc. that the task is
Process for Identification
• Engineering
• Administration
• Personal protective equipment
JSA Example: Adult CPR
Sequence of Job
Potential Health and
Safety Hazard
Controls and
Check scene safety
Vehicular traffic
EMS vehicle
training, reflective
Procedure review
by-standers, hidden dangers,
Communicable disease
inadequate or no PPE,
Inadequate training.
Check for
Open airway, check
Combative patient
Updates from
HC, local medical
officer. Updated
PPE training.
Final Details
• Have all parties review and comment on
JSA before it is distributed
• Communicate the finalized information and
for feedback
• Date the JSA for future reference during
reviews and updates
• To all employees at all levels affected by
• Orientation
• Job updates
• General and Safety meetings
• Occupational Health Committee Meetings
Job Safety Analysis Step 5:
–Observation & Analysis
–Hazard Identification
–Control Identification
–Follow up
Review and follow up
• Periodically
• When tasks change
• When concerns are identified by the
Workplace Responsibility System
Evaluate Implemented Controls
• It is important to remember that
implemented controls may not work as
effectively and efficiently as first thought.
• Re-evaluation of all enacted controls,
procedures etc. should be done regularly
throughout the first year after one month,
and every three months after that by area
supervisors and staff.
Recap of JSA Benefits
• Can be used to update procedures and
• Used to refine training at all levels
• Used to identify deficiencies in the
agencies safety management system
• JSA can be used during incident
• JSA can be used to refine inspection lists
• Can be used to assist with Job Task