Exploring identity through art



educator’s guide a resource on migration and development

Positive Images

Positive Images was a three-year Europewide project led by the British Red Cross to promote positive attitudes among 12 to 25 year olds towards vulnerable migrants.

Run in partnership with 14 European Red

Cross national societies, Positive Images will have reached three million people across the continent by the end of 2011.

Positive Images Toolkit

The educator’s guide is a set of ten educational activities for teachers, youth workers and other educators to teach young people about migration and development.

The activities are most suitable for young people, aged 12 and over.

Themes of the toolkit

1. Why do people migrate?

2. Who are migrants?

3. Migration patterns and journeys

4. Positive images

Each theme consists of up to four educational activities, each activity lasting about one hour. Activities can be taught in a sequence, gradually progressing into more in depth explorations of the issues.


By the end of the activities young people will:

• have enhanced knowledge of the humanitarian aspect of migration.

• have greater awareness of development

• have a greater understanding of migration.

• be able to recognise different points of view on migration in the media.

• be better able to relate issues of migration to themselves and their communities.

• be empowered to take action on migration and development.


The resources use active teaching methodologies including:

– Role play

– Simulation

– Quiz

– Videos

– Small group work

– Debating

Taking Action

• Educators can use activities in this resource to facilitate learning and then enable young people to take action on migration and diversity.

• The inspire me! sections of the worksheets include real life case studies of actions that young people have taken.

• The action planning worksheets at the end of the educator’s guide is a set of six steps that can support young people to plan their action projects

Exploring identity through art

 After learning about migration through the Positive

Images toolkit activities, 30 pupils (aged 12/13) made photographic self portraits holding up labels for themselves.

 These formed the outside label of a tin can.

 The contents of the can included a fuller picture of the individual’s identity and included details such as personal information, their story and life history.

A group of young people worked together to create a short message and an image promoting acceptance and understanding towards migrants.

They uploaded the message and image to their

Facebook profile and sent it to their friends on

International Migrants Day on 18 December.

It reached 10,000 people!

Additional Resources…

Over the coming months, the

Humanitarian Education team in Northern

Ireland will be working to produce:

• NI specific case studies in partnership with organisations working directly with vulnerable migrants

• A Northern Ireland specific quiz, challenging myths about migrants in our context

Relevance to CRED Policy

CRED policy acknowledges the increasing diversity of the population within Northern


Issue of how migrants to Northern Ireland are treated by the indigenous population

A need to promote acceptance and respectful interaction with migrants

Equality of opportunity


Complexity of issue

> The role of bystanders

> Humanitarian acts

> Limiting the devastation of war

> Child soldiers

> Violations of IHL

> Needs that arise from devastation

> Action projects to promote human dignity

How British Red Cross can support you

> Download a copy of the resource from www.redcross.org.uk/positiveimages

CPD training -

 Positive Images In-service training (approximately 3 hours)

 Youth Worker training course

> School speaker volunteers available to deliver sessions

For more information call 028 9073 5360

Thank you!
