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Plan essay single currency

What conditions are necessary for the successful operation of a monetary union? Assess how far the
Euro-zone meets these conditions in practice.
Lack of success: Greece etc
Hasn’t always been so successful
Similar economies
EU was created as a goal of single currency
Need for monetary union:
Cost of changing currency
Easier access to loan increases budget deficit
Trade openness is needed for a successful monetary union because countries
benefit from increased trade due to having no costs of trading between the members
of the monetary union. This increased trading is important as it means the countries
will have higher gains from adopting a single currency for example the reduction in
transaction costs will have a large affect as firms save money when doing
transactions in the Euro-zone allowing for it to be invested elsewhere. Trade
openness was the first condition the Euro-zone countries met due to common
market. The common market was initially created without the intention of a monetary
union, however by late 1960s “economic and monetary union was a recurring
ambition for the European Union”. (https://europa.eu/european-union/abouteu/euro/history-and-purpose-euro_en). The European economic community which later
became the EU was initially created to help its member countries benefit from trade
liberalisation so abolished tariffs and barriers to trade within the common mar
McKinnon´s (1963) main criterion was the degree of openness in an economy, linked to
the relative importance of traded to non-traded goods. A high degree of openness
reduced the effectiveness of an autonomous monetary policy, and limited the usefulness
of exchange-rate changes as a means of restoring competitivity, since devaluation
rapidly fed through into domestic prices.